
AXIS works seamlessly with your company to help attract, retain and motivate your workforce.

By working together, AXIS can deliver a compelling and valuable benefit—one that is in the best interests of both your company and that of your employees.

The key factor that differentiates AXIS is our ability to create a tangible benefit, by optimising employee super at an individual account level.

To achieve this, we adopt a dynamic framework that encompasses the Discovery, Nurture and Ongoing stages of the AXIS journey.

Each stage generates the financial momentum to help drive the value of your employees’ super.

  • Get in touch. We are here to support you.


The first phase of the AXIS framework is about working with you to understand the current arrangement between your company and its super provider.

This AXIS ‘fact find’ process will help identify the specific services the provider is delivering as part their super agreement. Of more importance, is uncovering the services you are not receiving. These tend to be the factors that contribute to a shortfall in superannuation benefits.

AXIS captures these findings in a comprehensive assessment of the provider. This report highlights the data, feedback, and our recommendation for moving forward.

By the end of the ‘Discovery’ phase, your company will have a clear understanding of how AXIS can deliver a greater benefit to your workforce.


Off the back of the previous assessment, AXIS is now in a position to leverage its expertise and findings to deliver greater benefit for your employees.

This is where AXIS brings about tangible results, working on your company’s behalf to negotiate and implement a raft of improved services from the provider.

One of the key responsibilities taken by AXIS is to establish the governance framework to monitor and measure performance. This ensures the provider is held accountable and the ongoing benefits of super are realised by your employees.

AXIS’ liaison role between your company and its super provider also provides an important channel for remedial actions, especially if the provider fails to deliver on the agreed services.


An ongoing partnership with AXIS continues to provide tangible value for your company and employees.

This involves fine-tuning and monitoring performance, even negotiating services as the company’s circumstances and employees’ needs evolve.

AXIS will continue to work with you, ensuring your super provider meets their obligations, negotiating with them for further improvements in the delivery of their services.

Your ongoing relationship with AXIS will provide expertise and company support, and explore opportunities that may deliver greater results for your company.

Latest news

Which Super Model?
Whose Super Is It Anyway?
Super Point of Difference


Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd engaged AXIS Financial Group in reviewing the existing employer super arrangements and clarifying which product provider might be best for Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd and it’s group of companies.

AXIS Financial Group provided a concise explanation as to who might be best and why, in particular ensuring that the internal project team had the information to feel confident as decisions were made. The project team moved from arguably being daunted by the prospect of improving this particular employer funded employee entitlement and better understood how to manage super as a remuneration benefit through the detailed analysis and explanation provided by AXIS Financial Group

Antony Auliso
General Manager - Human Resources Division
Mitsui & Co. (Australia) Ltd

I want to thank AXIS Financial Group for their efforts in handling insurance claims on behalf of the employees of WesTrac. From the moment AXIS Financial Group were appointed to the task, they moved so seamlessly into position and have made sure that WesTrac is not only better serviced as a result but also more informed about claims progress. I also note the outstanding results achieved by AXIS with respect to marketing and placement of our employer super policy.

It seems nothing is a problem for the AXIS team and I would commend all employers to consider this service.

Gary Carter
Group Insurance Manager
WesTrac Pty Ltd

AXIS Financial Group’s knowledge of employer super is second to none.

DXC tasked AXIS Financial Group with consolidating multiple superannuation funds to a
single company-wide default fund. They delivered, displaying superior knowledge of their
industry, along with the highest level of service and diligence.
From start to finish – the initial analysis of our previous funds, the detailed tender process,
the transition to our new fund, and post-transition – AXIS Financial Group always made
themselves available for support.
We strongly recommend speaking to AXIS Financial Group for all matters relating to
employer super.

Michael McGoldrick
Director, Compensation Asia Pacific
DXC Technology